Parent Prep for Kindergarten
It's an exciting time prepping your child for Kindergarten; we have a few tips to also help parents understand the expectations placed on your child.
Expect your child to be the main reporter of what they did during the day! Daily notes and reports will most likely not be sent home with your child. Your child's teacher will provide more information on home/school communication.
Expect your child to be tired since naps are not a part of your child's school day. Start reducing naps over the summer months, perhaps providing naptime every other day or third day and replace naps with quiet/calming activities.
Three Month Activities
(Prior to Kindergarten)
Below, please find activity ideas to help your child prepare for Kindergarten.
Set aside a special time to read to your child each day
Encourage your child to dress themselves. Teach your child to use zippers, put shoes on and take shoes off
Say “please” and “thank you” often- your child will too
If possible, have children who will be in your child’s class come over to play. Try to have them play with your child regularly.
Help your child learn to use words to express anger. Give examples of ways to talk about feelings.
Ask your child to pick up toys at the end of playtime. Thank your child for helping.
Read-aloud tip- Find a picture book without words. Ask your child to tell you the story based on what they see.
Allow your child to make choices. Making choices builds independence and confidence.
Explain why sharing toys with others is important.
Encourage the artist in your child. Provide crayons, safety scissors and large sheets of paper.
Ask your child to tell you a story. Write it down and read it back to your child.
Help your child learn the names of basic colors. Make it fun. For example: “Is there something blue in this room?”
Teach your child to say their first and last name, address and phone number.
Read –aloud tip: Move your fingers under the words as you say them. This will help prepare your child to read from left to right.
Make sure your child’s immunizations (shots) are up-to-date. Ensure that your child’s school gets a record by the due date.
Encourage your child to use the toilet and wash hands by themselves.
When preparing a meal or snack, cut a vegetable in half. Show how 2 halves make a whole.
Play a card or board game that involves taking turns.
Explain that good manners help people get along with each other.
Walk or drive by your child’s school. Point to their classroom if possible. If they have a public playground visit it often during the summer.
Help your child practice writing their name. Start with a Capital Letter then use lowercase for the rest.
Put on some music and dance with your child- or march together around the room.
Talk to your child as you do chores. Questions that begin with who, what, when, where or why can get your child talking.
Give your child simple tasks that involve matching, sorting or counting objects (such as socks, towels, or silverware).
Praise your child when you see them sharing toys or helping others. Show your child how he or she will get to school. If your child will walk to school or the bus stop, you or another trusted adult should always go with him or her.
Ask a librarian to help you find children’s stories about starting school. Read them to your child the month before school begins.
Play “follow the leader”. Have your child copy everything you do (for example hop or skip). Then let your child lead you.
Adjust your child’s sleeping and eating times to the school-year schedule.
Help your child learn how to catch and throw a ball.
Tell your child about the fun things you did when you were in school; such as, art, music or games.
Arrange to visit the classroom with your child and meet the teacher. Show your child where the restroom is.
Ask your child how he or she feels about starting school. Reassure your child if he or she is nervous.
Let your child help choose an outfit on school nights to make mornings easier. Remove drawstrings or ties- these can get caught around a child’s neck.
Read-aloud tip: Pick a book with words and pictures that you’ve read before. Ask your child to tell the story in his or her own words.
If your child has any health problems, contact the school nurse. Give the Nurse any medication your child needs to take during the day. Provide instructions and emergency contact information.
As the first day nears, stay positive about school. ..and proud of your child. Your little one’s a bid kid now!